A business card contains some informative details related to your business. Information
includes your name, your company’s name and physical address, contact number, email id
and in some cases, social media handles. It’s sort of your brand’s printed representative to
strangers. Therefore, a business card plays a role in creating an impression on your target
masses and converting them into loyal customers.

Considering the importance of business cards, you should make some serious effort in
designing a printed card that looks catchy and classy every bit of it. It’s definitely not an easy
task. The challenge becomes more overwhelming when you are bent on a luxury business
card design. A well-known business card design company in Florida has the following tips
on this particular aspect.
Choose Lamination for Brand Enhancement
A professional printing company has a wider variety of laminates to lend a classy and glossy
look to your business card for enhanced branding. It will prevent dirt, discoloration and
damage. A laminate finish makes your business card glazy and also adds to its longevity.
Furthermore, it enhances the appeal hard to ignore.
Check Your Design for Print
Before you send your business card to a printing company, you should check your artwork in
order to ensure the best results. Here is some advice on this topic:
Choose CMYK: CMYK is the standard color system in the printing business. Therefore, you
should choose CMYK and not RGB.
Include a Bleed: Many a printing service in Florida recommends adding a
bleed of 2mm to the border of the design.
Supply Your Design at 300dpi at 100% Scale: Always make the setting at 300dpi and
100% scale for small format printing. PDF or JPEG formats are usually preferred due to
the convenience of working with them.
Recheck the Digital Proof of Your Design: Check for typos and spelling mistakes in
the information provided. Most of the time, mistakes happen in telephone numbers and email id.
So, make sure that nothing is misspelled as it will create a very bad impression about your
Add Rounded Corners to Your Artwork
Give your business card an elegant touch by adding rounded corners to your design. The
rounded corners do a great finishing job and make your card stand out as a luxurious one
among the plethora of ordinary artworks. At the same time, it will look professional. Try this
trick for a more gorgeous and professional look; we bet you won’t be disappointed. You will
be getting the best knowledge to make some of the best designs that are available in the
market. All you know here is the idea to make things in a better way. All you know from here
is the best concepts that are actually giving the best support that you can understand. You can
definitely get the best quality of service from here.
Choose Text Size and Fonts Wisely
A business card has two aspects – image and text. According to the companies associated
with postcards printing in Florida, if an exciting logo draws in strangers’ attention, a wrong
choice of font type or size could finish your aspirations of creating an impression. So, use the
fonts that look smart and every bit a part of the total artwork.
It’s also important to choose a perfect size for the fonts so that all information can be easily
accommodated and at the same time, are easily readable. If the audiences need to put in
the heavy effort to read the contents, they will not feel interested to know about your brand, let
alone make a purchase.